We’re highly experienced workers’ compensation attorneys with a unique outlook on winning that puts resolution ahead of costly litigation.

Operating within strict and ever-evolving parameters of workers’ comp law, we offer alternatives to New York’s traditional legal avenues serving union workers and their employers. 

Utilizing Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), we help management and labor work together for the benefit of the injured. The result? An expedited process and enhanced benefits for workers, plus a 50% savings for the employer.

As an architect and administrator of ADR programs, MRM also generates substantial savings for contractors and insurance companies while improving the workers’ compensation experience for workers. Incentivized by significant savings, management is motivated to hire union workers, who are often highly trained and less likely to be injured. ADR is a clear win for all parties.



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    Everyone on our management team is a licensed New York State attorney, DFS-licensed workers’ compensation examiner, and DFS-licensed broker.

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    We’ve been involved in every New York State ADR program in the last decade, playing a variety of roles from administrator to assigned attorney. Our management team has been appointed by the governor of New York to create new workers’ compensation laws to achieve ongoing industry reforms for our state

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    We’re laser focused on creating a win/win situation for both the injured worker and the employer. We do this by developing comprehensive ADR solutions that bring all parties back to the original purpose of the workers’ comp law: to return injured workers, medically and monetarily, to their pre-accident status as quickly as possible. This is our sole motivation.


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    Our competitors, including management, are typically not attorneys, licensed workers’ compensation examiners, or even licensed insurance brokers, which poses a problem given the complexity of ADR.

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    Many of our competitors have little to no prior ADR experience, which means mistakes can easily be made, important details may be left out, and the success of the program may be severely affected.

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    Competitors often speak of contractor and employer savings as the focus of their programs. However, experience shows that ADR is the only route to real savings and a return to normalcy for all parties. Taking care of the injured worker is the first real step toward substantial savings


For starters, the labor contract is a legal document best handled by an attorney with the ability to ensure that all issues are addressed properly and all parties are legally protected. Contracts have power and precise legal meaning. Drafted carelessly, imprecise verbiage can be devastating to an ADR program. That’s why all MRM contracts are written by an attorney with 35 years of workers’ comp experience, contract expertise, and negotiation skills. Our contracts have been accepted by the NYS Workers Compensation Board and have withstood mediator scrutiny.

Secondly, ADR programs are a child of statute. There are New York State laws that govern what can and cannot be addressed in an ADR program. If it violates the statute, the entire program will fail. With MRM, you can be assured that your attorneys have in-depth knowledge of ADR laws, rules, and regulations, guaranteeing that your ADR program is compliant in every way.

Finally, when you construct an ADR program, you are essentially forming a miniature Workers’ Compensation Board. Who better to build such a program than the attorney chosen by our governor to craft the very laws and regulations that created the 2007 Workers’ Compensation Reform Act.